Whew, it was a MESS trying to get this website back up. We planned for June 1st but the cyber Gods had another thing in mind, like they knows nothing about timing.
Well, we are CarnivalVibration.com and we will try our best to bring to you what we know about the carnivals, the mas, music, advise whatever every ones little heart desires. Feel free to send me questions or comments at dcarnivalbaby@comcast.net or drealcarnivalbaby@gmail.com. Now that that's out the way here goes.
I don't know how many of you know me, but for those that do, you know that I consider myself to be a REL carnivalbaby and because of that have been named DCARNIVALBABY. I admit I LOVE the name but must admit, I do not attend all band launchings, I DO NOT KNOW ANY of the designers on a personal level nor do I switch bands often. I go where I see the best costumes and have a DAMM GOOD TIME!
From as far back as I could remember I have been playing mas in different states and countries and have NEVER been in the position that I am in now and maybe you guys can help me out. Since 2007 I have been playing mas with Island People Mas band in Trinidad and Tobago and although people have had many ailments and complaints with them, I have ALWAYS had a ball and have had enough liquor AND FOOD to share with family and friends (hush). For 2010 carnival I once again played with MY number 1 band of choice and had a time but now, I'm hearing news that there was a split of the band. WTF! How am I supposed to decide now what to do. The name of this spin off band is YUMA. YUMA is definitely the newbie band that is giving the big bands a run for their money (or so I hear). I hear that TRIBE, SPICE and ISLAND PEOPLE are watching this band cut eye as many of the designers have either left them to design for YUMA or already are designing for YUMA. Can you only imagine? Can you imagine the hottest designers all in one place picking their brains to make YUMA glory? I have always been a loyal masquerader to Island People but for some reason, this YUMA keep popping up in my face. The secrecy and all the carnival hush hush is just killing me. Not to mention, they friggin band launch is by INVITE ONLY!!!!!!!! What can one do? How to do it? YUMA band launch is set for early August when Island People band launch is either August 13 or 20th. WHAT TO DO????
I don't give a damn what you do as long as I have on a costume and it's not pink. . . or orange. . . or yellow. . . or lime green. . . or any of that other colorful shit you like to wear. . . LMAO That didn't help any, did it? Oh well, at least I was the first to comment. . .
ReplyDeleteLol @ dcarnivalbaby....I am also an Island Ppl girl. Needless to say I was shocked when I heard of the split within the band and to make it worse the designer who made my costume this year has jumped ship, over to Yuma (dammit).I must say Yuma's costumes are nice but you know I "MUST" wait to see what Isl. ppl comes with. Chances are I'll be back on the Isl. PPl bandwagon (it's like an opiate....lol). Waiting impatiently for the 20th...