By now you've HAD to hear of RAMAJAY!!!!
Whether it's been from some 'Trini ole talk', the new Lyrikal number, the 2009 Machel Montano hit chune now remixed by Machel Montano and Pitbull or maybe, just maybe the HOT New York City carnival mas band they both endorsed with these songs...........RAMAJAY MAS!!!
RAMAJAY MAS is a mas band managed by GB God Bless Productions and D'Original Diva's Entertainment merged together to what is now known as TEAM GB. TEAM GB formed RAMAJAY MAS because there was a void in the WIADCA parade (Labor Day parade) held annually on Labor Day in Brooklyn, New York. They felt like the "masqueraders are not able to have a totally ultra-inclusive experience on the road." I, along with many agree with that statement. For that same reason many of the die hard masqueraders choose to revel in the jouvert and leave the 'parkway' alone. The goal of RAMAJAY MAS was to change that and in 2009, they opened the eyes of many. Their slogan is dare to be different and that they were.
The debut year of RAMAJAY MAS took New York by storm AND surprise. When masqueraders got wind of what was REALLY going on it was a state of confusion. I watched people try to sin their souls to get back their deposit money from other mas bands to register with RAMAJAY MAS. The presentation of AMAZONIA was entered into competition and landed 2nd place in Large Band Of The Year to Sesame Flyers. I wont get into the politics (for now anyway). This year, they will be doing it again with LAFEMME: REVEAL THE MYSTERY OF WOMAN. The name alone sounds sexy and intriguing. It will be a celebration of the different Goddesses, Queens and Deities over history as far back as EVE to me and you. Expressing visually their "fiery seduction, exceptional grace, outstanding exquisiteness and mystifying power" in the words of RAMAJAY MAS. Lets bring it on! Lets see who wins 1st place this year WIADCA!
We have
1. AMATERSU (Japanese Sun Goddess)
2. APHRODITE (Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sexuality)
3. AURORA (Teenage/younger at heart - Goddess of Dawn)
4. CLEOPATRA (Last Pharoah of Egypt)
5. CHLORIS (Greek Goddess of Flowers)
6. EVE (First Woman Created by God)
7. GAIA (Greek Goddess of Earth)
8. HERA (Greek Goddess of Woman and Marriage)
9. ISIS (Egyptian Goddess of Myth, Magic and Fertility)
10. LAKSHMI (East Indian Goddess of Love, Grace and Wealth)
11. NEKHBET (Egyptian Goddess of Childbirth and Protector of Pharoah)
Of these sections, I was only able to show a few but I think you'll agree that the body has to be IN ORDER! There are cuts, curves and bold dives. From the wire/caged bras to the barely there to nowhere belts. Have no fear though, there are monokinis/tankinis and wholepiece options for those not so daring. There is something in the band for everybody. On so many of the costumes I can get into the beautiful stones, feather placement and color combinations but I will leave that to you.
Along with the beautiful, well made costumes come:
*Caribbean tasty styled lunches
*Fresh fruit throughout the day
*Goody bags with an assortment of memorabilia
*Accessories to compliment your costume
*NY's top notch DJ's - GB God Bless
- Spoil Brattz International
- Natural Freaks and
- Infamous Sounds
*Drop in appearances by your favorite soca artists
*Roaming photographers within the band
From following their facebook group http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000104589226&ref=search#!/group.php?gid=59295039935&ref=ts, stalking their website http://ramajaymas.com/ and keeping in touch with the band leader, Reishelle Maynard and Akin Ross of Thief Head Crew/Akin Designz, I can safely say this band is well on their way of being completely sold out. So if you plan on being a part of the a inclusive-ultimate road party, get on your game ASAP!
Whether it's been from some 'Trini ole talk', the new Lyrikal number, the 2009 Machel Montano hit chune now remixed by Machel Montano and Pitbull or maybe, just maybe the HOT New York City carnival mas band they both endorsed with these songs...........RAMAJAY MAS!!!
RAMAJAY MAS is a mas band managed by GB God Bless Productions and D'Original Diva's Entertainment merged together to what is now known as TEAM GB. TEAM GB formed RAMAJAY MAS because there was a void in the WIADCA parade (Labor Day parade) held annually on Labor Day in Brooklyn, New York. They felt like the "masqueraders are not able to have a totally ultra-inclusive experience on the road." I, along with many agree with that statement. For that same reason many of the die hard masqueraders choose to revel in the jouvert and leave the 'parkway' alone. The goal of RAMAJAY MAS was to change that and in 2009, they opened the eyes of many. Their slogan is dare to be different and that they were.
The debut year of RAMAJAY MAS took New York by storm AND surprise. When masqueraders got wind of what was REALLY going on it was a state of confusion. I watched people try to sin their souls to get back their deposit money from other mas bands to register with RAMAJAY MAS. The presentation of AMAZONIA was entered into competition and landed 2nd place in Large Band Of The Year to Sesame Flyers. I wont get into the politics (for now anyway). This year, they will be doing it again with LAFEMME: REVEAL THE MYSTERY OF WOMAN. The name alone sounds sexy and intriguing. It will be a celebration of the different Goddesses, Queens and Deities over history as far back as EVE to me and you. Expressing visually their "fiery seduction, exceptional grace, outstanding exquisiteness and mystifying power" in the words of RAMAJAY MAS. Lets bring it on! Lets see who wins 1st place this year WIADCA!
We have
1. AMATERSU (Japanese Sun Goddess)
2. APHRODITE (Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sexuality)
3. AURORA (Teenage/younger at heart - Goddess of Dawn)
4. CLEOPATRA (Last Pharoah of Egypt)
5. CHLORIS (Greek Goddess of Flowers)
6. EVE (First Woman Created by God)
7. GAIA (Greek Goddess of Earth)
8. HERA (Greek Goddess of Woman and Marriage)
9. ISIS (Egyptian Goddess of Myth, Magic and Fertility)
10. LAKSHMI (East Indian Goddess of Love, Grace and Wealth)
11. NEKHBET (Egyptian Goddess of Childbirth and Protector of Pharoah)
Of these sections, I was only able to show a few but I think you'll agree that the body has to be IN ORDER! There are cuts, curves and bold dives. From the wire/caged bras to the barely there to nowhere belts. Have no fear though, there are monokinis/tankinis and wholepiece options for those not so daring. There is something in the band for everybody. On so many of the costumes I can get into the beautiful stones, feather placement and color combinations but I will leave that to you.
Along with the beautiful, well made costumes come:
*Caribbean tasty styled lunches
*Fresh fruit throughout the day
*Goody bags with an assortment of memorabilia
*Accessories to compliment your costume
*NY's top notch DJ's - GB God Bless
- Spoil Brattz International
- Natural Freaks and
- Infamous Sounds
*Drop in appearances by your favorite soca artists
*Roaming photographers within the band
From following their facebook group http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000104589226&ref=search#!/group.php?gid=59295039935&ref=ts, stalking their website http://ramajaymas.com/ and keeping in touch with the band leader, Reishelle Maynard and Akin Ross of Thief Head Crew/Akin Designz, I can safely say this band is well on their way of being completely sold out. So if you plan on being a part of the a inclusive-ultimate road party, get on your game ASAP!
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