Thursday, December 2, 2010


Lebron James, (probably the most unhappy man in Cleveland tonight) had a very bad 'welcoming home'.  He has played as a Cleveland Cavalier for years and this was the first game since leaving the Cav's and signing with the Miami Heat.  Fans of the Cleveland team treated this man horribly by booing him each time he handled the basketball, the countless demeaning homemade signs, the offensive tee shirts they wore and worst of all, they had pictures of him INSIDE the urinals so that when people had to pee they'd have to pee on this face.  What a shame.  This was a man they damm near idolized and look at how he was treated.  

None of it mattered, he gave them the business!!!!!  Made himself a very happy man walking out of Cleveland.  At half time the score was trailing by almost 20 points, 50 to 37 to be exact.  The end result was 118 Heat to 90 Cavaliers, a 28 point blowout.  Goes to show that God doesn't sleep and maybe if they would have understood that the man has a job to do and does what he has to for himself, (not his fans) they would have been more understanding and welcoming therefore wouldn't have gotten their a$$es whipped!!!!! Karma's a bitch, isn't it. 

I'm sorry for my Cavaliers fans, but the reception of the Lebron James and the Heats was way too insulting and I don't hold my tongue on nothing.

All in all, it was a good game tonight!

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