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Most people think that Miami Carnival is the last carnival in the US and before I moved to South Florida I an all thought so but after moving here 7 years ago, I've come to understand that the carnival of Key West better known as Fantasy Carnival is the official last carnival.  This year, Fantasy Carnival will be on the 29th of October and will be (like always) off da chain! (For those interested in that kinda stuff).  I wont be going due to previous engagements and ah done sin my soul enough for Miami Carnival and the shit that goes on down there, is unbecoming of an officer LOL!!!
There is only one bus ride that I know of that will be offering drinks, food, drinks, music, drinks and vibes. Did you get that they'll be serving DRINKS?  What's best about THIS bus ride is that both people from Broward AND Miami can be on this bus.  Read below and see why.

Bus ride to Fantasy Fest on Saturday October 29th

Bus will pick up at Joy’s Roti Delight at 5:30 am…Will proceed to Miami for 6:30 am to have breakfast, Bake & Fried Tilapia and Buljol at Churches Roti Shop…Should get rolling to Key West no later than 8 am to arrive there at midday… Then lunch, Pelau, will be served on arrival into Key West before the real action starts…The cost for each person is $65. That includes Breakfast / Lunch / Drinks…. 

Please get in touch with Jason Chow Quan or Ravi Bharath for entire payment of $65 or down payment of $30.. The balance can be paid before we depart… Costumes are welcome….Boom Boxes are welcome (and encouraged) on the bus..

If you are interested, please e-mail , text or call these guys for a feed back of your plans…Thank You…



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