Monday, March 12, 2012

Post Trinidad Carnival Survey

Good Morning!

I'm not quite sure how many of you participated in the Mosquito Avoidance Survey (Pre-Trinidad Carnival Survey) but this survey is the followup to it.  Please read the message below, your participation would be appreciated.
Thank you for your participation in the Pre-Trinidad Carnival 2012 Survey. If you are receiving this email, you have indicated that you would be interested in participating in a follow up survey. Please follow the link below at your earliest convenience to complete the Post-Carnival Survey. You will find that this survey is substantially shorter and has some similar questions to the previous survey you completed. This should take you no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Based on your responses you will be directed to the appropriate questions. Please respond with any questions concerns or comments to the repy-to email I hope you had a safe and joyous Carnival 2012! Again, thank you for your participation; it is greatly appreciated! 
With Appreciation,
Koya C. Allen MS,MSPH

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