Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A few people were invited by Sizwe to view the video of H.I.A. on Sunday July 8th, 2012. He told us to come with an open mind and be ready to mingle. Sizwe has a vision of people becoming more personable, of actually meeting, greeting and talking to one another. I loved the idea of that and decided to go. Naturally I got there a little on the late side but at a decent enough hour to enjoy a drink and enjoy the scene. While there, I must admit, I only mingled (if so much) with the people I knew and didn't do as he asked. *Listen, I said that I liked, even loved the idea of it but I'm a shy girl and a creature of habit. It takes a lot for me to just start talking to people I don't know. He DID say that this was just the first of many to come, so the more I go to, the better I hope to be at it. We did get to see the video. Now you can too. Hope you enjoy........

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