Friday, December 10, 2010


Well they had to make an example out of someone and who better that Mr Snipes with his tax evasion?  You can read one or both of the articles below.


You know, you really can't please people because if he wasn't given prison time, it would have been 'because he is a celebrity' and now that he was given 3 years of hard time it's 'because he's black'.  I don't know about you, but as a child I knew about taxes.  Either my family members not being happy about paying them or saying that the only things you HAVE to do in America is pay taxes and die.  So, it's not that far fetched to me that he, whether celebrity or not has to do time.  I think that he got only 3 years because of the lawyer he had and feel that he would have done more time if he didn't have the best that money could buy.  Hopes he gets off a little earlier with some good behavior.  I like him.

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