Sunday, May 20, 2012


Do you know the saying, "Drink from your own rain barrel, draw water from your own spring-fed well"?  It's true.  Otherwise, you may one day come home and find your barrel empty and your well polluted.  Your spring water is for you and you only, not to be passed around among strangers.  Bless your fresh-flowing fountain!!! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man!! Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose--don't ever quit taking delight in her body.  Never take her love for granted! - Proverbs 5:15-19

If two people are speaking two different languages there will be no communication.

With this being said, there was a word of prayer for people who are married or wish to be married.  It seems as though in this day and age, marriages are being put under scrutiny and are under attack. Marriages need to be prayed for...

*If we are going to experience true intimacy, we have to get to know our partners.  You'd have to know what's going on in their heads and their hearts.  1 Corinthians 13:12-13.  When  you look in the mirror you get a poor reflection, you need to see one another face to face.  Have an intimate meeting (no phone, no texts, no social networks, etc). *it's take an intentional effort*

  • Feelings alone will not get you there.  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  2 Timothy 2:15
  • We HAVE to study the needs of our partner.  What do most people do to get/keep a job?  Spend money on training, skill, education, etc.  How much effort do you put into your relationships???
  • Play the mail order partner.  What are the 20 things you want in your partner?  Write them down, all 20 then of that 20 ask for the top 5.
  • Once your get that list privately rate how you're doing.
  • Remember that these are felt needs
  • Communication is key.

The 2nd most important decision you make in life is who you decide to spend the rest of your life with.  The 1st is to love God with all your heart, soul and might and to accept that Christ is your personal savior.  Remember your vertical relationship with God comes first and the horizontal one with your spouse comes IMMEDIATELY after.

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