Monday, November 12, 2012


Good Morning!
I have been away for a while because lets be honest, after Miami Carnival, what else is there for me?  There was this dreadful election that Florida has once again shamed me in (big ups to Barack Obama in his presidential re-elect WITHOUT the votes of dumb ass Florida), Halloween, daylight savings *that I never get used to in the fall* and then school full time. 

One thing I have been doing without fail is keeping tabs on the dates and TODAY is exactly 90 days prior to Trinidad and Tobago's Carnival Monday. What are YOU doing? What have you done to prepare? By now, you should know who you will be playing mas with, which section you will be in and have at least half of your costume paid for (if not all) and working on your footwear of choice. Since I made the decision to play mas in boots I haven't gone back and have organized with Creative Creations  to decorate my boots and do a little bag to hold all the carnival necessities (camera, phone, lip gloss, etc). During this week, I will be crossing my t's and dotting my i's as this is the very first time I am actually prepared.  I always know how I should be prepared but never am. I am so proud of myself that I will be doing posts all week about what is done, what has to be done, the people I'm using, the things I'm getting and so on. 

To date, my costume is paid in full along with my guesthouse. We will stay in Woodbrook again but a different guesthouse. I have decided as well that Carnival 2013 will be the VERY LAST time I stay in a guesthouse. (I may discuss why at a later time). Not bad for the unemployed huh?

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