Wednesday, July 9, 2014


While backline is open to all, today is the LAST day for masqueraders who have played in the band last year to choose and register themselves in any Frontline or Midline costume.  Starting tomorrow it will be a free for all.  Please keep in mind that D-JUNCTION Mas has been accepting paper registrations since the night of the band launch and I know for a FACT that "The Savage Beast" has had limited spaces available in both Frontline and Midline since Sunday (the day after the launch).  You now have the option to register online through email and payments are being accepted via PayPal. Should you need a refresher of costume names or what they look like, you can visit the D-JUNCTION MAS 2014 Costumes for Miami-Broward One Carnival 2014 Album on their Facebook Page.  Some of the costumes are missing from the album. I am not exactly sure why they are missing but either 'still uploading' or 'sold old' comes to mind.

Once you've decided which animal you'd like to unleash, feel free to download the registration form by clicking HERE and follow the instructions on the form.  For those without a Facebook account, costume photos (of what's left) will be added to the website soon.

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