Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Not sure if anyone has noticed but his year, there were no bells on my blog.  No Auld Lang Syne Lyrics to bid farewell to the old year that we'd love to see go and at the stroke of midnight welcome the new year......seems fitting as the multitude of people wait until that time of year for the "New Years Resolution" to do this or that better or differently.

Why wait 'til December 31st to acknowledge your wrong doings or to then promise to kick bad habits?  Why 'turn over a new leaf' for only January 1st?  Where is it written in stone that you should wait to do this on the 1st day or be faced with uncomfortable truths on the last day of the year?

I'll wait. . . . . . . .
Nowhere right?  That's what I came up with as well.

Are you comfortable with your present circumstance?
Change it.
It is that simple.
Whether your situation is great, good or bad one thing it can always be is better.

Along with the hit series Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder, Shonda Rhimes has written a book by the name of "Year Of Yes".   It's a book explaining how she has decided to say YES to everything for an entire year and stop denying herself of opportunities and missing chances.  While reading, I thought about how many people (including myself) who do this. About how many people I know that can benefit from this and how many lives can change...  I'm in no way trying to sell the book but definitely trying to sell the idea of not only saying YES for a year but saying HELL YES for the rest of your life!
If anything at all I hope you take this little $0.02, apply it and receive a blessing.
Stay blessed for 2016 and the rest of your time on this Earth.


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