These are NOT my personal opinions but of carnival revelers that have sent their personal reviews via email. Should you like to send a review, that email is
My carnival experience was amazing. Machel Monday was epic as always. Trini Jungle Juice's Mental was a blast. Met a lot of WFYG bandits in the place. The food was amazing! C'est La Vie was boss and a must every year. That food was sooooo good. Party was vibes. I left out of there soak and wet! Phuket was so much fun! The green bandits represented in that fete! Drinks were good, food was good, but I heard they ran out of both towards the end. I missed Soca Brainwash but we had tickets to Scorch for later that night. I think I was already soured by my IP Mas ordeal so Scorch was blah to me. I was rather bored. Beach House Cooler fete took a rather long time to get going. The venue was hilly and dusty. Somewhere between all that dust and a previous cups I developed bronchitis and had to suffer through the rest of my trip. I couldn't make it through carnival Monday so we left the band and came back home. Carnival Tuesday we had to chase down the band. They were already by Charlotte street by 7:30am
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