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Well ladies and gentlemen.  The reviews are in.

After deciding to sit out Trinidad's carnival 2016, I thought I could ask a couple friends and family about their carnival experiences.  After receiving some feedback, I posted on Facebook that I'd be sharing them on this blog.....  I now regret doing so.  I've received some reviews that I wished to God I'd never read because they are blatantly honest truths and some happen to be of people I support 110%.  Talk about putting my foot in my mouth.  I would like to change the words sent.  I would love to just not post them all together but for those who sent them, I'd be a liar.  Lying to those expecting reviews by hiding the whole truth.

I just hope that all involved do understand that these reviews are not the opinions of me but simply copied and pasted from emails received.  Blogs as simple as these (copying and pasting) should have been the easiest thing for a blogger to do yet has become one of the hardest things I've had to post.

Beginning Monday, the 14th of March the reviews will be posted daily.

I guess this was my disclaimer post.




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