Friday, October 18, 2019


I'd love to think that it was solely my opinion on last years Junior carnival that prompted the 2019 band leaders to show out this year but it's safer to say that it was just that more people felt the same way I did.  This year we had (in no specific order):

  • WASSI BABES and 
That was quite the improvement! Cause last year, I was too ashamed to post a list.

We got to Broward Regional Park around 3:20 but between the car line, finding a place to park and walking to the entrance I walked into the park after 4pm.  This was still a good time as my son's band was band number last. (That's been the running joke all day because we have yet to know what the numeric number was).  

Walking in looked strange.
There were no children.
After asking security, I was told that the children were all the way in the back.  After walking toward the back, I found them all.  I didn't understand whey none of the trucks were moving.  Nor do I know the time they actually started the parade but I was already annoyed.

After finding Wassi Babes we began to enjoy ourselves.

Overall, I liked the costumes on the road. What can I was Kiddies Carnival and I enjoyed it.

Looking into the stands, I was impressed as there were more people to support the children than last year and although it rained, they stayed. This year, unlike any other year (that I've attended) it rained  cats and dogs on those children.  Wassi Babes took that rain like little bosses.  Because of when the rain fell, I know that other children were in it as well BUT I can only speak of the babies I was with.  They were band number last and understood that they had to stay in that rain to STILL wait to cross the stage.  None of them complained nor cried.  The rain did ease up but guess when it rained again.... Just as they were to cross the stage.  The excitement on their young faces and the ENERGY that they crossed the stage with made me cry.  My heart was so full!  My son, who vowed the entire time that he would not dance on stage, was one of the most energetic children on that stage. 

The time, the energy and love that the Wassi Babes Team put into those children Saturday was worth it.  I did nothing but show up and I felt overwhelmed with emotion.  I can imagine how that team felt!  That feeling is what this Junior Carnival is all about.  That feeling is what each and every child should experience and every adult should feel proud the same way.  This is what makes the children fall in love with carnival, that feeling is what makes them yearn for more.  For the sake of the culture, I hope we, the parents continue to put the same energy into these children as they did on Saturday.

It starts with us.
Pass the torch.
Teach them while they are willing and their minds can be easily molded.

As for the Miami Broward Carnival Association:  I have one major issue.  Is there are valid reason the carnival started and ended so late? Please understand, more than half of these children are young. There is absolutely NO REASON to have those children out there in the hot sun (and this year in the rain) for so long.  I find that the carnival is dragged out unnecessarily and lots of what is done, doesn't need to be.  Aside from the long waits caused by the constant stopping, I have no complaints.

Let's keep this going.
Please and thanks!

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